Excited for a great Cape Cod Summer but looking for a list of things to do? Check out this list of fun things to fill your summer!
Places to Visit for Families
Woods Hole Aquarium - Falmouth(Upper Cape)
Sandwich Fish Hatchery - Sandwich(Upper Cape)
Heritage Museum and Gardens - Sandwich(Upper Cape)
Aptucxet Museum - Bourne(Upper Cape)
Cape Cod Children's Museum - Mashpee(Upper Cape)
Taylor Bray Farm - Yarmouth(Mid Cape)
Hyannis Whale Watch - Hyannis (Mid Cape)
Cape Cod Inflatable Park- Yarmouth(Mid Cape)
Pirate Cove Mini Golf - Yarmouth (Mid Cape)
Cape Cod Central Railroad - Barnstable (Mid Cape)
Whydah Pirate Museum - Yarmouth (Mid Cape)
Shark Center - Chatham (Lower Cape)
Cape Cod Museum of Natural History - Brewster (Lower Cape)
Wellfleet Drive-in - Wellfleet(Outer Cape)
Cape Cod Baseball League - Across the entire Cape
Places to Visit for Adults
Sandwich Glass Museum - Sandwich(Upper Cape)
Beach Plum Spa - Sandwich(Upper Cape)
Cape Cod Beer- Hyannis(Mid Cape)
Just Breathe Salt Spa - Hyannis(Mid Cape)
Truro Vineyards - Truro(Outer Cape)
Beachcomer - Welfleet(Outer Cape)
Arts Dune Tours - Provincetown(Outer Cape)
Goodwill Park - Falmouth(Upper Cape)
Buzzards Bay Park/Splash Pad - Bourne(Upper Cape)
Mullen Hall Playground - Falmouth(Upper Cape)
Heritage Park Playground & Splashpad - Mashpee(Upper Cape)
Bourne Inclusive Playground - Bourne(Upper Cape)
Sandwich Marina Playground - Sandwich (Upper Cape)
Lukes Love Playground - Barnstable(Mid Cape)
Station Ave Elementary - Yarmouth (Mid Cape)
Sea View Park - Dennis (Mid Cape)
Veterans Field Playground - Chatham (Lower Cape)
Brooks Park - Harwich (Lower Cape)
Drummer Boy Park - Brewster (Lower Cape)
Eldredge Park Playground - Orleans (Outer Cape)
Wiley Park Playground - Eastham (Outer Cape)
Bakers Field Playground - Wellfleet (Outer Cape)
Puma Park - Truro (Outer Cape)
Chelsea Earnest Memorial Playground - Provincetown (Outer Cape)
Cape Cod Canal Road - Sandwich/Bourne(Upper Cape)
The Knob - Falmouth(Upper Cape)
Spohr Gardens - Falmouth(Upper Cape)
Cape Cod Rail Trail - Dennis-Welfleet(Lower Cape)
Lavender Farm - Harwich(Lower Cape)
Cape Cod National Seashore Trails - Brewster(Outer Cape)
Public Beaches
Old Silver Beach - Falmouth (Upper Cape)
Menauhant Beach - Falmouth (Upper Cape)
Surf Drive Beach - Falmouth (Upper Cape)
Monument Beach - Bourne (Upper Cape)
Scusset Beach - Bourne (Upper Cape)
Town Neck - Sandwich (Upper Cape)
Sandy Neck - Sandwich (Upper Cape)
South Cape Beach - Mashpee (Upper Cape)
Dowses Beach - Osterville (Mid Cape)
Craigville Beach - Centerville (Mid Cape)
Kalmus Beach - Hyannis (Mid Cape)
Sea Street - Hyannis (Mid Cape)
Gray's Beach - Yarmouth (Mid Cape)
Bass River - Yarmouth (Mid Cape)
Mayflower Beach - Dennis (Mid Cape)
Corporation Beach - Dennis (Mid Cape)
Red River Beach - Harwich (Lower Cape)
Breakaway Beach - Brewster (Lower Cape)
Chatham Light Beach - Chatham (Lower Cape)
Coast Guard Beach - Eastham (Outer Cape)
First Encounter Beach - Eastham (Outer Cape)
Nauset Light Beach - Nauset (Outer Cape)
Skaket Beach - Nauset (Outer Cape)
Marconi Beach - Wellfleet (Outer Cape)
Ballston Beach - Truro (Outer Cape)
Head of the Meadow Beach - Truro (Outer Cape)
Race Point Beach - Provincetown (Outer Cape)
Harbor Beach - Provincetown (Outer Cape)
Things to See/Visit
Scargo Tower - Dennis(Mid Cape)
Nauset Lighthouse - Nauset(Lower Cape)
Pilgrim Monument - Provincetown(Outer Cape)
Cape Cod Central Railroad Trains
Marstons Mills Airport
Buzzards Bay Train Bridge
Boats on the P-Town Pier
Falmouth Ferries & Fishing Boats
Which one of your favorites is on the list & what did I forget?